New to Chiropractic? This short video will explain what to expect:

What to Expect at your Initial Appointment:

You should plan for your initial appointment to last about an hour and a half. Please arrive 15 minutes early to welcome you and make sure we have all of your required paperwork.

When you first arrive at our office you will be greeted by one of our friendly staff. If you have not already done so you, will be asked to fill out one of our New Practice Member forms based on your age:

Here at Calhoun Chiropractic, we refer to you as practice members as you are more than a patient here — you are a part of our family.

The New Practice Member Paperwork can be downloaded with the links above, and it includes information that will allow us to get a clear picture of your current state of health. This will help guide us in providing you with the highest quality care moving forward. At our office we are focused on finding the cause of your health problems not merely treating the symptoms.

Next, you will be approached by one of our highly trained chiropractic assistants who will take you into the assessment room. You will be asked to change into a gown, so that the doctor has access to your spine to perform the nervous system scans.

The scans consist of two parts: the thermal (skin temperature) and the surface EMG (muscles). The scans are noninvasive and take about 10 minutes to complete.  After performing the scans, the doctor will measure your range of motion, grip strength, and weight distribution. They will assess your posture, joints, and perform tests to determine how well your body is functioning.

The doctor will then take full spine x-rays and determine a personalized plan for how often you are to come in for adjustments.

If they are to perform your first chiropractic adjustment, it will happen at the end of your visit.

Total cost of the exam can be discussed with you over the phone or at your initial appointment. The initial consultation is always free and you are under no obligation to continue with the exam after speaking with the doctor.
We are out of network with most insurance companies. We encourage you to check with your insurance prior to your appointment to determine your eligibility of coverage. Be advised that we are considered specialists with many insurances.
Preferred Chiropractic Doctor (PCD)
We provide a program, called Preferred Chiropractic Doctor*(PCD) to help keep costs low. This is not insurance but a program to offer preferred pricing to our practice members that is often lower than insurance copays.

*information given to you at your initial appointment 

Report of Findings Follow Up Appointment:

You should plan on this appointment taking about an hour. 

During your second visit, the doctor will go through all your results from the first visit. They will explain what chiropractic is, how chiropractic can help you, the best recommendations, and answer any questions you may have. You will also receive an adjustment at this appointment in accordance with your specific care plan.

We recommend that you bring a spouse, partner, or family member with you as there will be a lot of information at this appointment!

In order to objectively determine your progress, we perform assessment on our practice members every 12 visits. This includes 3 scans: heart rate variability, thermal and surface EMG.

Regular Adjustment Visits:

After your initial appointments (New Practice Member appointment, and Report of Findings appointment), the doctor will determine the frequency you will need to come in for adjustments to achieve maximal benefits.

Adjustments take 5 minutes or less per practice member. If you require extra time during your visit please let our front desk team know when scheduling and the purpose for the extra time so that we may best serve all of our practice members. We offer many other **services: orthotic foot scans, traction, progress exams, additional x-rays, nutritional consultations and assessments, blood work reviews, and MRI/CT reviews and consultations. If you have any questions about these services and their related fees please ask one of our knowledgeable team members!

**additional fees may be added